keskiviikko 8. toukokuuta 2013

31.For muslims about Jesus, Isa. Who is the God? Is Jesus Mahdi? What is the Book, Bible?

للمسلمين عن يسوع، عيسى. من هو الله؟ هو يسوع المهدي؟ ما هو الكتاب، والكتاب المقدس؟
Jeesus Christ, Jeesus Kristus,
يسوع، عيسى        
1. A muslim finds Jesus Christ - a true story of Khalil's conversion to christianity  
For muslims about Jesus, Isa. Who is the God? Is Jesus Mahdi? What is the Book, Bible? Pic. Anne Lindell,

مسلم اكتشافات يسوع المسيح - قصة حقيقية من تحويل
                                                              خليل إلى المسيحية

Video “More than a Dream” (Arabic , texted in English)

2. Muslims leaving Islam after meeting Jesus Christ
Muslims, women ang men seeks Jesus and they meet Jeesus.Pic. Anne Lindell

المسلمون ترك الإسلام بعد لقاء يسوع المسيح
The story of Kamil, Kamran, Kouresh, Layla, Lydia, Mahmoud and Majed. A Muslim Journey to Hope presents the stories of people who have had a life-changing experience. Each story is true, and each story is different. Yet they are as different as the lives of each person: Women and men. Young and old. Rich and poor. From


3. Do you want to know more about this Jesus?

هل تريد أن تعرف المزيد عن هذا يسوع؟                                       
Isa, Jesus comes back soon and as a winner,
نهاية الوقت قريب   عيسى وعيسى يعود قريبا

And this is the Record, That God has given us to Everlasting Life, and this Life is in His Son. He who has the Son has Life: he who does not have the Son of God does not have Life. God is very Clear that only in Jesus can we find this Eternal Life Testament Bible, .John 14:6 - I Am the Way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me. Jesus Never said I know the way to Heaven: He said "I am the way “Jesus Never said I know the Truth, He said: "I am Truth Itself" Jesus Never said I know where you can find Life Eternal: He said: "I am Life" Jesus Christ.

Jesus, Isa, Messiah, Jesua Ben Josef, James Maloney, Sid Roth, pic. Anne Lindell

Watch this video (in English). In Sid Roth’s  (Jewish, now Christian ) program “Supernatural” you can meet an other Jewish man  James Malone (now Christian) who had something incredible amazing to tell you about Jesus. James Maloney operates in that same presence of God. He sees "panoramic visions," past to future, over people. And he has a special anointing for the Last Days.  - See more at:

4. For muslims love and good news of Jesus Messiah
Muslimeille rakkautta ja hyvää sanomaa Jeesuksesta … messiaasta
للمسلمين الحب والخبر السار يسوع المسيح

Come to me -  I love you, pic. Anne Lindell, تأتي لي - وأنا أحبك
A young muslim woman from Saudi-Arbia tells about Jesus

شاهد هذا الفيديو. (العربية، والنص باللغة الإنجليزية) يحكي فتاة مسلم في المملكة العربية السعودية: "إن المسيحية هي دين الكمال"
Watch this video. (Arabic, text in English) tells the Muslim Girl in Saudi Arabia: "Christianity is the perfect religion"

Raamatun profetiat lopun ajoista ja antikristus
5. Biblical prophecies of the end times and the antichrist
النبوءات التوراتية من أوقات النهاية والمسيح الدجال
Uudestisyntyneen palestiinalaiskristityn (entisen muslimin) Walid Shoebat  näkökulma lopun ajoista ja tulevasta antikristuksesta. Video on pitkä, mutta se kannatta katsoa ja vieläpä moneen kertaan, sillä Taivaan Isä on tuonut muslimeita kaukaisesta idästä meille asti, jotta voimme viedä evankeliumia heille, mutta meidän tulee sitä ennen tietää, mitä  Koraani opettaa. Lue lisää täältä ja katso TV7 – kananvalta video - - - >
Born again Palestinian Christians (former Muslim) Walid Shoebat point of view of the end times and the coming of antichrist. The video is long, but it's worth a look, and even several times, because Heavenly Father has brought muslims distant from the east us up so that we can bring the Gospel to them, but we need to know it before, what the Koran teaches. Read more here and see TV7 – and watch the video - - ->

ولدت من جديد المسيحيين الفلسطينيين نقطة وليد شعيبات (مسلم سابقا) نظر أوقات النهاية ومجيء المسيح الدجال. الفيديو طويل، ولكن الامر يستحق نظرة، وحتى عدة مرات، لأن الآب السماوي جلبت المسلمين بعيد من الشرق لنا حتى نتمكن من تقديم الإنجيل لهم، ولكن علينا أن نعرف ذلك من قبل، ما يعلمه القرآن . اقرأ المزيد هنا ونرى TV7 - ومشاهدة الفيديو

Video - - ->

6. Ex muslim Tells His Near Death Experience

Ex-muslim tells about meeting Jeesus. يقول السابقين مسلم عن لقاء يسوع.

Sid Roth´s “Supernatural”- program 31.5.2013

Ex Muslim, millionaire Nasir Siddiki turned solid Christian after visited by Jesus on his near death experience. Nasir Siddiki was diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto (Canada) General Hospital. His immune system was shutting down and the doctors left him to die. Then he saw Lord Jesus.

لسابقين مسلم يحكي نفسه بالقرب تجربة الموت

سيد Roth's "خارق" - برنامج 2013/05/31

السابق مسلم، تحول المليونير ناصر Siddiki صلب المسيحية بعد يزوره يسوع على بلدة بالقرب من تجربة الموت. تم تشخيص ناصر Siddiki مع أسوأ حالة من القوباء المنطقية اعترف من أي وقت مضى الى تورونتو (كندا) المستشفى العام. وكان الجهاز المناعي اغلاق والأطباء تركوه ليموت. ثم رأى الرب يسوع.

7. Woman Leaves Islam, After READING the Quran for Herself 

In Sweden. Many muslims have never read the Quran.

A woman who was raised Muslim, leaves Islam after reading the Quran for herself and seeing what it really says about hate and killing and abusing women! She later accepted Jesus into her life and is now doing her best to tell other Muslims to READ the Quran for themselves to see all of the bad things it teaches!


8. Muslim Woman Gives Jesus One Week To Prove Himself Before Ending Her Life. Then This Happens!…

Muslim woman after healing . It was Jesus
Iranian woman tells (texted in English ):

From the time Padina was 4 years old, she followed every rule of Islam in an attempt to grow closer to Allah. But Padina could never reach Allah. "I never felt peace," she said. "I would cry for hours to Allah, saying, 'I am so far from you. I can never go into your presence.'" She felt depressed and hopeless.


9. Jesus Speaks to a Muslim Woman

صدق الله، يسوع، الروح القدس، والملائكة، الجنة والنار التي سوف يوقظك

The truth of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, angels, heaven and hell that will awaken you,

صدق الله، يسوع، الروح القدس، والملائكة، الجنة والنار التي سوف يوقظك


Interview (in English) with Nadia Khalil Bradley, Author of "Origins of Truth: Words that Will Awaken You to the Truth of Your Heart." Hosted by Bret Moss. - - - >

10. Millions of Muslims turn to Christianity - Babtism of love directly from God - الملايين من المسلمين تتحول إلى المسيحية - معمودية الحب من الله مباشرة

Miljoonia muslimeja kääntyy kristiyiksi

Leif Hetland sai rakkauden kasteen taivaasta. Pyhä Henki ja Jeesuksen rakkaus laskeutui hänen päälle ja kulki hänen lävitseen kastaen hänet Taivaan Isän, Jumalan rakkaudella. Nyt tämä hänestä ylitsevuotava rakkaus niin voimakasta, että eli miljoona muslimia on yliluonnollisesti kokenut Jeesuksen. Eikä tuota rakkautta voi rahalla ostaa eikä ansaita muullakaan tavalla. Se on täysin ilmaista ja ainoa ehto on, että sinun täytyy haluta tuota Taivaan Isän rakkautta itsellesi.  

Millions of Muslims turn to Christianity - Babtism of love directly from God

Leif Hetland received a baptism of love from heaven. The Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus landed on top of him and went through him baptizing him the Father of Heaven, with God's love. Now, this of him overflowing love is so strong that over a million Muslims have experienced Jesus supernaturally. And that love you can´t  buy with money or earn in any other way. It's completely free and the only condition is that you must want to produce our Heavenly Father is love for yourself.

الملايين من المسلمين تتحول إلى المسيحية - معمودية الحب من الله مباشرة

تلقى ليف هيتلاند معمودية الحب من السماء. الروح القدس ومحبة يسوع سقط على أعلى منه ومرت عليه يعمد له الآب من السماء، مع محبة الله. الآن، وهذا له الحب تفيض قوي لدرجة أن أكثر من مليون مسلم شهدت يسوع خارق. وهذا الحب الذي لا يستطيع أن يشتري بالمال أو كسب بأي طريقة أخرى. انها حرة تماما والشرط الوحيد هو أنه يجب أن ترغب في انتاج أبينا السماوي هو الحب لنفسك

Warch Sid Roth´s  “Supernatural”- video (in English, text in Finnish)

Millions of Muslims turn to Chriatianity,   تتحول إلى المسيحية - معمودية الحب من الله مباشرة الملايين من المسلمين

2 kommenttia:

  1. shalom Anneli, olen alkanut silmäillä Sinunkin blogiasi, ihan miellyttävää ja Hengessä vastaanotettavaa sanomaa. tämä vain rohkaisuksi.
    Asumme Maoz Zionissa, 10 km:n päässä Jerusalemista TA:n suuntaan.
    Siunaten Gavriel

  2. Shalom, Gabriel, kaunis nimi Sinulla. Anteeksi, että huomasin kommenttisi vasta nyt. Panit varmaan merkile nyt, että tässä blogiarkostokansiossa olen avannut oman kansion muslimeille. Jumala puhui minulle tänään (15.12.-15), että nyt on aika viedä rakkauden sanomaa Häneltä sekä juutalaisille että muslimeille ... en vain oikein tiedä miten. Toivon, että saan Taivaan Isältä, "Abbalta" enemmän yksityiskohtaisemppia ohjeita ja neuvoja.


Kirjoita rohkeasti tähän ruutuun mitä ajatuksia kirjoitus sinussa herätti.